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Cut Rag Tobacco

American Blend
Being the most popular cut rag tobacco, American Blend is a mixture of Flue-Cured, Burley, and Oriental Tobacco varieties. While Flue-Cured and Burley usually constitute 70 and 20 percent respectively, Oriental is the smallest component of the blend used at around 10 percent. The said percentages might certainly differ depending on targeted blend.
GREYWOLF is fully capable of both providing House blends as substitutes for internationally recognized brands and custom-made blends prepared as per customer requirements.

Virginia Blend
Almost entirely composed of Flue-Cured Tobacco and also known as English Blend, Virginia Blend is among the most demanded cut rag blends.
GREYWOLF is flexible enough to both provide House blends as substitutes for internationally recognized brands and custom-made blends prepared as per customer requirements.

Fermented Tobacco Blends
Fermented tobacco blends are almost exclusively made of Dark Air-Cured Tobacco and are also referred to as “black blend”. Generally used in Roll-Your-Own and Make-Your-Own production, fermented tobacco blends are widely available in GREYWOLFI’s inventory.